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Adam Spencer


Adam Spencer has been a breakfast radio announcer on triple j and ABC Sydney, a TV personality on everything from comedies Good News Week and The Glasshouse to weekly sports wrap The Back Page, and is a member of the Sleek Geeks Science Team with Dr Karl Kruszelnicki.

A lifelong numbers nerd, Adam flitted with a law degree and a PhD in pure maths before winning – of all things – a stand-up comedy competition ‘Raw Comedy’ run by triple j radio. This national search for as yet undiscovered talent continues today, but as Adam explains “I entered in its very first year. The standard was appalling – so I went really well!”

Through this Adam met the good people at triple j and within a couple of years was hosting their breakfast radio show with his good friend Wil Anderson. After 6 years Adam and Wil called it a day. But a year later Adam was back on the grown-up ABC Sydney radio station 702 where for 8 years he set ratings records and maintained second place in Australia’s largest and most competitive market.

In December 2013 he called an end to 8 years of news, traffic, weather and chess results on what was without doubt the geekiest radio show Sydney had seen in a very long time, if ever.

Adam has complemented his radio career with numerous television roles hosting everything from the national science show Quantum to poker championships, to appearing on the weekly sports review The Back Page, ABC news and current affairs wrap The Drum. His Sleek Geeks Science Comedy show with Dr Karl Kruszelnicki was a particular favourite of the public.

A passionate sports lover, Adam is an ambassador for the Sydney Swans and in 2016 had the honour of being their Number 1 ticket holder. Listeners to his radio shows know well that he coached a women’s soccer team at the University of Sydney for over a decade.

He is the University’s first-ever ambassador for mathematics and science and is aligned with numerous charitable causes. He is an ambassador for the Fred Hollows Foundation, co-founder of Dry July which has raised over $75 million for adult cancer services, and a former board director of Redkite.

His two daughters love him but wish he wouldn’t turn every conversation into an exploration of mathematics. And did you know, two is the only even prime number…

Adam Spencer at AUSCERT2025

STREAM 1 • Plenary

Opening Remarks

22/05/2025 9:00 am

Conference – Day 1

STREAM 1 • Plenary

Opening Remarks

23/05/2025 9:00 am

Conference – Day 2

STREAM 12 • Plenary

Speed Debate

23/05/2025 3:45 pm

Conference – Day 2

STREAM 13 • Plenary

Closing Remarks

23/05/2025 4:30 pm

Conference – Day 2